OK. So it has been a looong 3 weeks of failing my explorer/probe comp. As many of you know I failed it 5 times!!! FIVE. So I want to walk you through my journey and hopefully my experience will help you all in some way. The first time I failed the comp, I didn't think I was doing anything wrong. Then the second and third time came and I finally realized that I was doing everything wrong. Still I did not seek help because I thought I could fix the problem on my own. The fourth time I finally had a lightbulb moment as to how my hand positioning is destroying me. The CORRECT way to hold the instrument is easy once you get it but for some reason it's too easy to want to digitize the thumb pointer and middle finger together. THis is wrong and it's what I have been doing this whole time! SO. it is hard to explain but your pointer middle and ring finger stay TOGETHER at ALL times. They do not come apart. Even when I tell myself this, I still fall back into the habbit of pushing in and out with the pointer thumb and middle. BUT you have to ingrain the UP/DOWN motion in your head. Your ring finger is your fulcrum where you pivot right!> SO keep your fingers together. and pivot your ring finger up and down. . .that is where the scaling moting comes from. . . then when you are working your way around the tooth you must use your thumb and pointer to turn the instrument. The middle finger must be placed in a position so that the instrument is not allowed to roll off your finger. THis all is hard to grasp. . . And if you are having trouble GO SEE the professors. They don't bite. :) I learned my lesson the hard. way. And by the way. . .I PASSED!!! So remember UP and down on your fulcrum ring finger. . USE your MIDDLE finger for keeping stability so you turn the instrument into interproximal medial distal areas! Go get help. . even if you think you don't need help. :) Love you all.